Relocation of Hedelius C80 & RS60 machines

Relocation of Hedelius C80 i RS60 machines

Maszyny pracujące w Niemczech zostały zdemontowane, zabezpieczone, załadowane na ciężarówki, opakowane w folię termokurczliwą i przewiezione do Polski. Tam zostały ustawione w nowym miejscu pracy, zmontowane do stanu pierwotnego i uruchomione na nowo. Cały proces trwał około 4 tygodnie.

CNC milling machines working in Germany were disassembled, secured, loaded on a trucks, packed in shrinkwrap and transported to Poland. There they were placed in their new work area, reassembled to their original state and restarted. Whole process took about 4 weeks.

relokaca maszyn traub tna 600

Reloacation of Traub TNA 600

Relocation of Traub TNA 600 machines

CNC turning machines working in Germany were disassembled, secured, loaded on a trucks and transported to Poland. There they were placed in their new work area, reassembled to their original state and restarted. Whole process took about 4 weeks.

Relokacja maszyny DMG DMF 260

Relocation of DMG DMF 260 milling machine

Relocation of DMG DMF 260 milling machine

CNC milling machine working in Germany was disassembled, secured, loaded on a truck, packed in shrinkwrap and transported to Poland. There the machine was placed in it's new work area, reassembled to it's original state and restarted. Whole process took about 4 weeks.