Relocation of Hedelius C80 & RS60 machines

Relocation of Hedelius C80 i RS60 machines

Maszyny pracujące w Niemczech zostały zdemontowane, zabezpieczone, załadowane na ciężarówki, opakowane w folię termokurczliwą i przewiezione do Polski. Tam zostały ustawione w nowym miejscu pracy, zmontowane do stanu pierwotnego i uruchomione na nowo. Cały proces trwał około 4 tygodnie.

CNC milling machines working in Germany were disassembled, secured, loaded on a trucks, packed in shrinkwrap and transported to Poland. There they were placed in their new work area, reassembled to their original state and restarted. Whole process took about 4 weeks.

relokaca maszyn traub tna 600

Reloacation of Traub TNA 600

Relocation of Traub TNA 600 machines

CNC turning machines working in Germany were disassembled, secured, loaded on a trucks and transported to Poland. There they were placed in their new work area, reassembled to their original state and restarted. Whole process took about 4 weeks.

Relokacja maszyny DMG DMF 260

Relocation of DMG DMF 260 milling machine

Relocation of DMG DMF 260 milling machine

CNC milling machine working in Germany was disassembled, secured, loaded on a truck, packed in shrinkwrap and transported to Poland. There the machine was placed in it's new work area, reassembled to it's original state and restarted. Whole process took about 4 weeks.

demontaz montaz relokacja fabryki wroclaw polska

Wrocław - Poland


Industrial dryer assembly (Wrocław, Poland)

demontaz montaz relokacja fabryki wroclaw polska

Wrocław - Poland


Industrial dryer assembly (Wrocław, Poland)

Potenza - Italy


Pellet factory assembly (Potenza, Italy)

Rollag - Norway


Dismantling and relocation process of a forging hammer (Rollag, Norway)

Bożepole - Poland

Dismantling of PV panel assembly line

Highly automated and robotic assembly line of photovoltaic panels. Due to precise and delicate nature of the equipment machines required precise mesurement and documenting of their relative position, securing electronics and special care. Machines were dismantled, disassembled where needed, and secured for storage and transport.

Zumarraga - Spain


Wire rod mill disassembly and relocation (Zumarraga, Spain) with Polinowex Sp. Z o.o. SKA.